The importance of PANSW Associate Membership
Kevin Morton
PANSW President
Members would be aware that through successful PANSW campaigning, police recruits are again being paid whilst they train. Class 362, who attested in June 2024, are the first graduating class of this new era. Registered numbers over 60,000 will soon be common – think about that at your 50-year reunion!
Serving and associate members will have fond memories of their Police Academy days at Redfern or Goulburn. You may even recall the day that PANSW officials handed out application forms to join the Association.
Today, just as before, graduating police enthusiastically join PANSW and will remain members until their last day of service.
Police retirements have featured prominently in the media in recent months. You may have seen stories about long-serving police, sometimes with 40 or more years in the job, marching out on the TV news.
If you are one of those officers who has recently disengaged, thank you for your service and membership of PANSW. I ask that if you haven’t already done so, please re-join us, this time as an Associate member.
There is an affinity between serving and retired officers. Those who attended a Retired Police Day function on 5 September 2024 would have felt it when you extended your hand in friendship, either as a guest or as a host. Retired Police Day is becoming more popular each year with events held throughout the state by Police Area Commands/Districts, and specialist commands.
Of all the avenues and opportunities for retired officers to find camaraderie, the Police Association is unique. What do I mean?
Advances in technology and successful lobbying can result decades-old matters being re-opened. This is not a hypothetical scenario. Retired police can find their actions and decisions scrutinised by people who may not have been born when those decisions were made.What happens then?
Although our primary focus is the welfare and conditions of sworn members of NSWPF, there are occasions when PANSW assistance can be activated for Associate members.
Whether your registered number is in the 6,000’s or the 60,000’s, being a PANSW member is essential.
Following last years success, we are happy to advise that this year’s golf day will again be held at Lakeside Golf Club. We are hoping to raise enough money to buy a KanMED Baby Bed Warmer System ‘Hot Cot’ which is used in the A51 Special Care Nursery.
The Hot Cot is a controlled warmed cot environment that allows the baby to be swaddled & nested. It is sad to see that around one in five babies are admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care or Special Care Nursery due to prematurity, respiratory, sepsis or infections & the list goes on. Your support does make a difference.
DATE & VENUE: Thursday 29th May 2025. LAKESIDE GOLF CLUB, Raby Road.
EVENT: 4 man Ambrose. COST: $150-00 PER PLAYER.
TIME: Registration with breakfast from 7am. SHOTGUN START: 8am.
o Teams of 4. Individual players welcome. Raffles & silent auction.
o 18 holes of golf on a highly rated course paired in a golf cart. 2 golf balls each.
o Breakfast: Bacon & egg roll, tea or coffee. Lunch menu: To be circulated.
o Trophies for winning team. Challenges: NTP 3rd & 14th. Long Drive 2nd & 15th.
If you wish to support the day or require further information please contact:
Roger. 0412 409 905.
Steve. 0423 454 661.
Ron Reuben. Roger Ford. Steve Reeves, OAM.
Chairman. Secretary/Treasurer. Welfare & Events Manager.
Bi-Annual NSW Mounted Police Reunion - Sat. 3rd. May 2025
200th Anniversary.
The Bi-Annual NSW Mounted Police Reunion will be held in the Conference Room of the Coffs Harbour Surf Club, Coffs Harbour at 12md on Sat. 3 May 2025 for all serving and former Mounted Police and their wives or partners.
It will be a three-course luncheon at a cost of $55.00 per head which also includes the Sausage Sizzle at the Park Beach Caravan Park. (Other functions are optional and at your own expense.)
Other Reunion Functions .
Friday 2 May (5pm approx.) – Informal gathering at Park Beach Bowling Club for drinks and dinner.
Saturday 3 May (4pm onwards) – Sausage Sizzle and drinks (BYO) at the Camp Kitchen Park Beach Caravan Park, Park Beach Coffs Harbour.
Sunday 4 May (8am onwards) – Breakfast at Coffs Harbour Surf Club.
RSVP by Sat. 19 Apr. 2025
Contact - Murray Smith,
Phone - 0411-548-860
E-mail -
Post - 65/1 Ocean Pde;
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Class 124 members attested on 14 September 1970 including Police Cadets from Class 124 who were attested on their respective birthdays are invited to attend our Class Reunion along with wives & partners.
Day/Date: Wednesday 7th May 2025 at 11am.
Location. Club York 95-97 York Street, Sydney 2000.
11am meet for drinks renewing Friendships.
12pm adjourn for Luncheon approx. $70.00
Post Lunch , Club Lounge to continue catch up.
All food & beverages paid for by individual guests.
Contact Dick Hurst 0416291032
NSW Police Academy Class 167 - sworn in on 23.6.1980
What: 45 year reunion function
When: Friday 27 June to Sunday 29 June 2025
Where: The Horatio Motel, Horatio Street, Mudgee NSW
Please contact Rowland McGready for any further information required
at or 0416 237 552