
The Police Association extends a huge thank you to all the sponsors of this year's Biennial Conference, in particular our Platinum Sponsors, Police Bank and Bryden's Lawyers. 

The PANSW Biennial Conference is an important event that greatly impacts PANSW members. Your elected representatives, 170 current serving police officers, come together to democratically set the priorities and objectives for the PANSW. It's an opportunity for your Delegates to receive and discuss key information, and bring that knowledge back to your local branches.

The logistics of this cannot happen without our Conference sponsors and partners. We are proud of all those who help make Conference happen, in particular our platinum sponsors.
Police Bank
Banks used to not consider police officers suitable candidates for a home loan. The Police Bank was formed to service members and ensure they could enjoy the quality of financial services they deserve, and continues to do so today.
Brydens provide great services to members all across NSW, including legal representation, and the free will tour.

They have visited 23 Regional stations and 18 metro stations, providing over 900 free wills to PANSW members
The Conference would not be possible with their generosity.