I am pleased today to inform you after a drawn out and robust negotiation, we now have a formal, negotiated offer, for your pay and conditions, for the next 4 years. This offer has been considered by the PANSW Executive.
They have determined to put this offer to a vote of the membership, with a recommendation to vote yes.
For Commissioned Officers this Award negotiation has not been easy.
It has not been easy for a number of reasons.
When we first commenced negotiating with the Government it became evident very early, there was a perception due to your current Total cost of employment, you were all viewed by Government as Senior Executive Service employees. All but level 1 Inspectors go over the 200K starting point for SES.
This perception is incorrect.
You are Award workers and hence should be factored into the Award negotiation and this was made very clear to the Government.
Throughout the negotiations our position did not change. Governments position of a wage freeze for SES employees was being applied to you all, with the position being, 0% for the first 2 years.
During the course of these negotiations, we reminded the Government that you, our Commissioned officers were not like other high level Public Servants. You all started as Probationary Constables and had worked your way through the ranks to lead Police day in day out, to work nightwork, to take charge of Protests, to manage large events, navigate through Pandemics, co-ordinate Emergency management and oversight and investigate the most terrible of crimes. Because of this, you also needed to be Respected and Rewarded.
Members, I will be honest with you as I know that you have met and called for parity in this Award. But it was always going to be difficult to achieve based on the Govt position being applied to higher income earners in the public sector. We continued to press for a decent pay rise for you, our most experienced and senior leaders.
I am pleased to inform you that we were able to move the Governments position.
Today I can announce, for our commissioned officers, we have obtained a 4 year offer of between 20.5% and 27.1%. This is inclusive of salary increases, a Leadership retention payment of $5400 and increases to the value of your 12.5% annual non-renewal benefit.
To see what this Award offer means for your individual circumstances in dollar terms and percentage value, go to the PANSW salary calculator.
You will see on the screen now, an example of the salary calculator, in this case for an Inspector Year 1. You can see the total % value to your rank including your leadership retention payment and the increase to your non renewal benefit. A graph showing the pay increases and incremental progression for each year compared to your current pay scales. Below that, you can see the $ figure of your salary each year, and the increase that represents from your current pay as both a $ figure, and a %.
The PANSW website and portal are the only place members will be able to access this information. You must have your login and password to do so.
I know that the negotiations have been long. This is generational change that we are trying to achieve for the non-commissioned officers with a suite of benefits in this Award. But also trying to get the respect and reward that YOU deserve. Ensuring that Policing is, and can be a long career once again.
Is it what you asked for?? No.
Is it the best that I can achieve for you ? the answer is Yes.
With the information I have provided you, I call on your Leadership once again.
See this Award for what it is, for everyone, and support it.
Make sure that into the future, those probationary Constables can aspire to be in positions that you now hold.
I do not want to take this award to be dealt with in an arbitrated outcome should it be rejected, because what is being offered now will definitely not be achieved.
On expert advice, we are unlikely to be able to secure a wage increase as good as what is contained in this offer, in addition to the suite of benefits negotiated. It is, in all likelihood that the Government will press for a wage freeze for Commissioned officers based on current salaries.
I believe that this offer Respects, Rewards and will Retain police officers. The Executive and I strongly endorse this offer as the best possible outcome, and we recommend members vote yes.
An online session will be held on Tuesday the 12th of November for Commissioned officer members, where the entirety of the Award will be explained.
Members, voting opens on the 18th of November, it’s now over to you to have your say and vote on this offer.